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Why take vitamin C?

Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is essential to the human body. It has a wide range of uses within the body including as a potent antioxidant, helping the body to repair damaged tissues and enzymes and protecting against a wide range of toxins and pathogens including heavy metals like mercury, lead, arsenic and cadmium. Acorbic acid is effective in protecting against the damage that can be caused by drugs, poisons, pesticides and other environmental toxins. When our body contains high levels of vitamin C, our immune system is strengthened and our intestinal flora can be rebalanced.

How much vitamin C should we be taking?

Despite ascorbic acid being such an important substance for our bodies, we are one of the very few mammals who are unable to produce it. It is believed that at one time in the past we were able to, but lost this ability through a genetic mutation. This makes it essential that we obtain it from our diet, or from supplementation. The UK recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin C is given as a paltry 40mg/day by the NHS. This is even less than the 75-90mg recommended in the USA. However, RDAs should be taken with a large pinch of salt, as they are determined so as to provide the minimum required to avoid the symptoms of deficiency for that specific nutrient – in this case scurvy. They are not designed to give us the amount required for our body to work at its optimal function, giving us vibrant health, good energy levels, the absence of chronic disease and a long, enjoyable life. Based on animal models, extrapolated for humans, it is estimated that the daily production of vitamin C in our liver would be 10-30g and significantly more when experiencing stress or illness. This is 250-750x the UK RDA! One should also take into account that any vitamin C taken through our diet will not be 100% absorbed through the intestinal wall into the blood stream (some losses will occur), making the oral intake requirement for optimal function of our bodies to be even higher. Linus Pauling, the double Nobel Prize winning scientist, was known for taking 18g vitamin C daily, in divided doses. Pauling lived until 93 years old…

Like most nutrients, our requirement varies from person to person and over time. Since vitamin C is required for a wide range of functions within the body, especially for detoxification and repair of damage, the requirements will be increased for those who are not currently in optimal health. Fortunately, there is an easy way to find out exactly how much vitamin C your body requires without a risk of overdosing. If you take too much, the body will simply get rid of it through your colon. Its best to use the body’s own innate intelligence to determine how much vitamin C to take. This can be done via the Vitamin C Flush detoxification protocol, detailed below.

The Vitamin C Flush

The Vitamin C Flush is a simple detoxification protocol that can be used to boost your immune system, detoxification and repair of your tissues and cells. It have been found especially useful to those suffering from autoimmune disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome, but most people will feel a very significant boost in energy levels and general well-being after the first or second time carrying out this protocol.

How to do the Vitamin C Flush?

To carry out the Vitamin C Flush, we need to take enough vitamin C to reach saturation within our tissues. This means that we flood the body with large amounts of vitamin C until every part of the body gets what it needs and our bodies’ reserves are replenished. When this amount is reached, the body will let us know through a temporary change in bowel movements to remove any excess not needed at this time.

Take half a teaspoon, 1,500mg of vitamin C (the best type is explained below) every 15 minutes. Dilute the powder in water or juice and use a straw to drink it, rinsing the mouth afterwards to reduce the exposure of your teeth to the acidic mixture. Keep taking the vitamin C every 15 minutes until you get watery diarrhea. Don’t worry about this as it will pass quickly once you stop adding more vitamin C. The amount you need to reach the bowel tolerance will depend on your personal needs that day. Many people may require 5,000mg, others may need much more. If you have a cold or illness you could require up to 50g or more!

Take note of how much you have taken to induce this reaction. From this you can calculate your current optimal dosage. From the next day onward, take 50-75% of the amount that induced the bowel response in divided dosage throughout the day. Over time, your needs will change.

When to do the Vitamin C Flush?

Great times to do a Vitamin C Flush include at the start of the autumn/winter flu season, at the first signs of a cold/flu/infection, when under a lot of stress or if suffering from fatigue or immune problems. After the first flush, you can repeat the Vitamin C Flush a few times year, or more frequently at the start if recently exposed to a high toxin or stress load. This will ensure that your body has plenty of reserves and help to monitor changes in requirements. After some time, your needs may reduce significantly.

How much vitamin C should you take after the flush?

The Vitamin C Flush will help you to determine the optimal amount to fulfill your body’s needs at that time – note how much triggered the bowel response and use 50-75% of that amount, in divided doses, daily from then on. You should take a minimum of 2,000-3,000mg/day if for any reason high doses are not possible for you at this time or contraindicated (see below).

Is the Vitamin C Flush safe for everyone?

The Vitamin C flush may not be the best idea for anyone with a particularly sensitive bowel. For these people, ensure that a mineral ascorbate is used rather than ascorbic acid and consider not going all the way to bowel tolerance. Vitamin C is still vital for you to use, but a lower dosage of 2,000-3,000mg may be more suitable until your digestive system is more robust. If you are experiencing any form of digestive sensitivity, you may want to consider working with me to address this as the digestive system is so important for the health of the entire body.

Which type of vitamin C is best to use?

Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is quite acidic, so when doing the vitamin C flush, or taking any large doses of vitamin C (over 2,000-3000mg/day), one should consider the use of mineral ascorbate powders. This is especially important for anyone with sensitive bowels. Mineral ascorbate powders partly neutralise the acid so that it will not be so irritating in large doses to the intestinal tract. Sodium ascorbate is a popular choice, and has been found to give a good level of absorption. However, one should take into account the mineral balance in the body, so sodium ascorbate may not be suitable for all. Powders should be used as opposed to tablets for better absorption and the avoidance of the fillers and binders often used to make the tablets. The powders will also be cheaper and easier to take in large doses. If you can find a mineral ascorbate powder with bioflavanoids, this may further increase the effectiveness of the vitamin C.

It is also important to check the source of the vitamin C. Most manufactured supplements are made in China from genetically modified corn. This should be avoided by ensuring that your supply is GMO free. Good sources include those made in Scotland by DSM with the brand “Quali-C” or from the Vitamin C Foundation in the USA. Supplements made from natural sources are always superior, but in the case of vitamin C this would be extremely expensive in order to reach the required dosages and extensive research has shown excellent results can be attained through the use of ascorbic acid as detailed above.

Have you tried the Vitamin C Flush? Let me know in the comments below.

Recommended Further Reading/References

Various works of Linus Pauling

Primal Panacea, 2011, Thomas Levy

Not Dark Yet The Metaphysics of the End Times, 2020, Marius D’Alexandre

Digestive Wellness, 2020, Elizabeth Lipski

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