Membership #307249
Michael Rogan MSc MEng Dip.Nut.Th. DN MFNTP
Qualifications & Professional Memberships
- Nutritional Therapy Professional Diploma (Level 6 – equivalent to university degree), Plaskett College
- Full Member of Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners (MFNTP)
- Certificate in Naturopathy (Level 5), School of Health, Stroud
- Associate Naturopath, Society of Naturopaths
- Certificate in Ayurveda Medicine (Level 5)
- Certificate in Psychosocial skills (Level 5)
- Certificate in Hydrotherapy (Level 5)
- Certificate in Chinese Medicine (Level 4)
- Certificate in Iridology (Level 4)
- Certificate in Oral Health (Level 4)
- Certificate in Tibetan & Unani Medicine (Level 4)
- Certificate in Homeopathy (Level 4)
- Certificate in Homotoxicology (Level 4)
- Diploma in Nutrition D.N.
- Certificate in Personal Coaching
- Apprenticeship in Western Herbalism
- MSc Environmental (Public Health) Engineering, Imperial College London
- MEng Chemical Engineering, UMIST and NTU, Singapore
More detailed information is provided below.
Areas of Expertise
Nutritional Therapy
- Professional Diploma in Nutritional Therapy (3,000 hours) covering both a naturopathic and scientific viewpoint including pathology, anatomy and physiology. I trained at the Plaskett College, founded by Dr Lawrence Plaskett, whose long experience working in the borderlands between nutrition and medicine enabled him to offer a synthesis between many fields that are not often brought together: nutrition, pathology, biochemistry, toxicology, pharmacology, cell biology, naturopathy and homoeopathy. Dr Plaskett was one of the pioneers of nutritional therapy in the UK and was himself trained by the famous naturopath Dr Bernard Jensen and acupuncturist Professor JR Worsley.
- 15+ years experience of research and testing of different diets including primal/paleo, GAPS, vegetarian, vegan, raw and a wide range of fasting, cleansing and detoxification regimes.
- Certificate in Naturopathy (Level 5) – the holistic practice of supporting the body’s own natural healing mechanism to enable a return to optimal health. I was trained by Mary Sharma at the School of Health in Stroud, the most detailed and advanced training in naturopathy available in the UK.
Eastern Nutrition & Lifestyle Management
- Certificate in Ayurveda Medicine (Level 5) – the ancient Indian knowledge of life. Trained in holistic diagnosis with a focus on dietary and lifestyle techniques to bring people back into balance and optimal health.
- Certificates in Chinese, Tibetan and Unani (Persian/Greek) Medicine. Trained in traditional Chinese medical theory (both TCM and Five Elements) and the use of diet and lifestyle adjustments to correct imbalances and restore health.
Environmental Health, EMFs etc.
- MSc Environmental (Public Health) Engineering at Imperial College London – an intensive education in environmental and public health covering water and wastewater treatment, microbiology, air pollution and tropical epidemiology including water-borne, insect-borne and helminth diseases in collaboration with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
- MEng Chemical Engineering – a thorough four year training in chemistry, biochemistry, physics and engineering problem solving skills. I also worked professionally in this field for several years.
- Professional experience and private research in measuring and dealing with EMFs, geopathic stress and other harmful frequencies and subtle energies as part of my work as the Founder of
- Feng Shui – training and research into classical Chinese Feng Shui and how to improve the subtle energetic environment of the home.
Herbalism, Flower Essences & Gem Elixirs
- Undertaken several courses with a range of teachers from across the world including an apprenticeship in herbalism, a student of Matthew Wood’s Institute of Herbalism and as a certified practitioner of Taoist Stone Medicine with further training in gem elixirs.
- Professional experience in developing and producing herbal and vibrational remedies as Founder of
- I am not a medical herbalist.
Spiritual Entities & Health
Undertaken extensive research and testing on the much overlooked importance of entities/spirits, their relationship to health, how they can become involved in ones life and how to overcome them.