Michael Rogan, known as the Natural Health Engineer, is a naturopath, nutritional therapist and chemical/environmental engineer. He is committed to helping people to discover and overcome the root causes of their health issues so that they can reclaim their health and reach their highest potential in life.
Michael Rogan MEng MSc Dip.Nut.Th. DN MFNTP

Michael’s journey in natural health started at the young age of 6 when he developed a developmental bone/joint problem. He underwent several operations, stayed in hospital for months at a time and was forced to use a wheelchair afterwards. Like many that are later drawn to alternative health fields, he was not satisfied with the ineffective treatment that he received in the hands of orthodox medicine and this experience sowed the seeds of interest in alternatives in his young mind.
As a result of this childhood experience, Michael was always curious about health. Initially, he wanted to become a doctor but was put off by the medical system so chose to apply his love for problem solving to a career in engineering. However, his soul was restless and not satisfied with sitting in an office. He took the opportunity to look for a new path in life in his late 20s. At the same time, the joint issue reoccurred, and once again he faced doctors telling him that his life would have to be severely limited and not offering any real solutions. Michael’s world was falling apart around him and this sparked a deep inner transformation.

Shortly after this Michael’s path crossed with a man who would become his first mentor and guide him through the study of wide ranging areas relevant to natural health. This started with the study of the healing power of herbs, and has encompassed a wide range of other areas including nutrition. Their collaborations continue to this day through GoldenAgeRemedies.com and QuestionofTiming.com where they offer unique and powerful solutions to today’s health challenges.
After working on solving complex health challenges through his role at Golden Age Remedies, Michael decided that he wanted to consult directly with clients. His formal training has encompassed the fields of Naturopathy, Nutrition and traditional Eastern medicine through his training in Ayurveda, Chinese, Tibetan and Unani medicine, as well as homeopathy, hydrotherapy, homotoxicology, herbal and vibrational remedies and environmental issues including EMFs & geopathic stress. Michael has also been trained in recognising and helping to remedy the impact that dental work and alignment of the jaw can have on the health of the whole body. Michael is a registered Associate Naturopath with the Society of Naturopaths in the UK and as a Nutritional Therapist with the Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners (FNTP).
During his travels, and partly as a result of inherited predispositions, Michael has personally experienced various health issues which led to valuable experience in getting to the root cause of and overcoming an irritable bowel, gluten intolerance, acne, eczema, hay fever, arthritis, blood sugar issues, dehydration, a sluggish liver, joint pains and more. While his training and practice has exposed him to a wide range of health conditions, Michael is perfectly placed to understand and assist people dealing with similar conditions to those listed above.
Combining his background of problem solving from his engineering career with his knowledge of natural health, Michael is skilled in discovering the root causes of ill-health and helping people to reclaim their health. Due to his unique background, he is known as the Natural Health Engineer.